2010-07-12 14:48:09 UTC
Chris Langdon -
Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft won't allow ads for this site to appear on
their search engines. Their censorship of this site is described on the
"Googlegag" page to your left.
"Let China sleep. When she awakens, the world will tremble!" - Napoleon
"[As for the United States] for a relatively long time it will be
necessary that we quietly nurse our sense of vengeance.. We must conceal our
abilities and bide our time." Lieutenant General Mi Zhenyu, Vice Commandant,
Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing, qouted in The Coming Conflict With China,
by Richard Bernstein & Ross Munro
Not all Chinese people are evil, of course. Many in China want more
freedom, as evidenced by Tiananmen Square. However, the Communist Chinese
government has been, and is, a murderous one. The Communist Chinese slaughtered
millions during the Chinese Revolution. After coming to power they murdered
thousands after mock trials. Subsequently, Commmunist China invaded Tibet and
murdered a million Tibetans.
Communist China aided the North Koreans in their invasion of South
Korea. When North Korea was on the verge of defeat, China invaded Korea and
attacked American and U.N.troops, murdering many wounded and surrendered
Americans. Those that survived were abused, tortured, and some were
brainwashed. Over two million people died during the war. North Korea would
have collapsed long ago without Communist China's assistance. Perhaps a million
North Koreans have died from starvation over the last 15 years while North Korea
continues to build a nuclear weapons program, with the assistance of Communist
China, and continues to threaten the U.S. and Japan.
During the "Great Leap Forward" 30-40 million, perhaps more, Chinese were
starved to death. It is my understanding that millions, died during the
"Cultural Revolution." Chinese Communists murdered them simply for being
intellectuals, or, "anti-revolutionaries." Many more were imprisoned and
tortured. Red China also aided the Pol Pot regime that was reponsible for
killing approximately 2 million Cambodians.
"As long ago as 1971, in a study done for Congress, Professor Richard L.
Walker, in The Human Cost of Communism in China noted that Beijing was
responsible for the deaths of between 34.3 million and 63.8 million people...
[in 1995] European historian Jean Louis Margolin ...stated that Chinese
Communism took the lives of 44.5 million to 72 million people..." The China
Threat, Bill Gertz, p. xiii ( 2000).
China also waged a war against Vietnam, a fact which it censors in
China. Communist China also fought a border war with India in the 1960's. In
recent years maoist rebels have tried to take over Nepal. I have no evidence
that China is supporting them, but it is highly probable that they are. The
Nepalese government has recently allowed the maoists into the governement in
hopes of ending the fighting. The maoists will not be happy until they make
Nepal a satellite state of China.
China supports the dictatorship in Myanmar (Burma), one of the worst human
rights abusers in the world. China's strategy has been to surround and isolate
India as much as possible.
Many business leaders and politicians want us to overlook Chinese
Communist atrocities and human rights abuses, past and present, because of
perceived business opportunities in China. They usually are frustrated in their
efforts to prosper from Chinese trade.
China officially holds about $550 billion of our debt, second only to
Japan. However, they have also purchased large amounts of our debt privately,
therefore, the true amount they hold is much greater. Our debt to them is
another reason why America is afraid to tell the truth about China.
Source: http://chinaisevil.com/
I suppose Paul the rabid rabbit will be along shortly to defend China and whine
on about how people like me who support American imperialism and yada yada
Open Letter to Democrat Politicians:
Here's to you Mr. Jefferson! - Mike Church:
Ireland First - Irish Interest Website:
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent
virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
--Winston Churchill
Chris Langdon -
Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft won't allow ads for this site to appear on
their search engines. Their censorship of this site is described on the
"Googlegag" page to your left.
"Let China sleep. When she awakens, the world will tremble!" - Napoleon
"[As for the United States] for a relatively long time it will be
necessary that we quietly nurse our sense of vengeance.. We must conceal our
abilities and bide our time." Lieutenant General Mi Zhenyu, Vice Commandant,
Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing, qouted in The Coming Conflict With China,
by Richard Bernstein & Ross Munro
Not all Chinese people are evil, of course. Many in China want more
freedom, as evidenced by Tiananmen Square. However, the Communist Chinese
government has been, and is, a murderous one. The Communist Chinese slaughtered
millions during the Chinese Revolution. After coming to power they murdered
thousands after mock trials. Subsequently, Commmunist China invaded Tibet and
murdered a million Tibetans.
Communist China aided the North Koreans in their invasion of South
Korea. When North Korea was on the verge of defeat, China invaded Korea and
attacked American and U.N.troops, murdering many wounded and surrendered
Americans. Those that survived were abused, tortured, and some were
brainwashed. Over two million people died during the war. North Korea would
have collapsed long ago without Communist China's assistance. Perhaps a million
North Koreans have died from starvation over the last 15 years while North Korea
continues to build a nuclear weapons program, with the assistance of Communist
China, and continues to threaten the U.S. and Japan.
During the "Great Leap Forward" 30-40 million, perhaps more, Chinese were
starved to death. It is my understanding that millions, died during the
"Cultural Revolution." Chinese Communists murdered them simply for being
intellectuals, or, "anti-revolutionaries." Many more were imprisoned and
tortured. Red China also aided the Pol Pot regime that was reponsible for
killing approximately 2 million Cambodians.
"As long ago as 1971, in a study done for Congress, Professor Richard L.
Walker, in The Human Cost of Communism in China noted that Beijing was
responsible for the deaths of between 34.3 million and 63.8 million people...
[in 1995] European historian Jean Louis Margolin ...stated that Chinese
Communism took the lives of 44.5 million to 72 million people..." The China
Threat, Bill Gertz, p. xiii ( 2000).
China also waged a war against Vietnam, a fact which it censors in
China. Communist China also fought a border war with India in the 1960's. In
recent years maoist rebels have tried to take over Nepal. I have no evidence
that China is supporting them, but it is highly probable that they are. The
Nepalese government has recently allowed the maoists into the governement in
hopes of ending the fighting. The maoists will not be happy until they make
Nepal a satellite state of China.
China supports the dictatorship in Myanmar (Burma), one of the worst human
rights abusers in the world. China's strategy has been to surround and isolate
India as much as possible.
Many business leaders and politicians want us to overlook Chinese
Communist atrocities and human rights abuses, past and present, because of
perceived business opportunities in China. They usually are frustrated in their
efforts to prosper from Chinese trade.
China officially holds about $550 billion of our debt, second only to
Japan. However, they have also purchased large amounts of our debt privately,
therefore, the true amount they hold is much greater. Our debt to them is
another reason why America is afraid to tell the truth about China.
Source: http://chinaisevil.com/
I suppose Paul the rabid rabbit will be along shortly to defend China and whine
on about how people like me who support American imperialism and yada yada
Open Letter to Democrat Politicians:
Here's to you Mr. Jefferson! - Mike Church:
Ireland First - Irish Interest Website:
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent
virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
--Winston Churchill